How to write a cv

You have just 20 seconds to sell yourself – make your CV simple and informative





1. Make the first page of your CV as catchy as possible: include IT and language skills, relevant education, skills and a short personal profile Don’t use the first page to list  the modules and grades from your studies or write a page long autobiography
2.  Use short and simple statements – impersonal, key phrases, bullet points Don’t write extensive paragraphs using lengthy sentences in 1st person
3.  Ideally, CV shouldn’t be longer than 2/3 pages but 4 pages are still fine Don’t leave out description of duties for the sake of fitting the whole CV on 1 page
4.  Use simple CV template and save it in Word Don’t use a layout with pictures, frames, lines and tables unless you are applying for a Creative Designer job - some systems may not read it
5.  Describe in details employments that are the most relevant for the new role Don’t describe irrelevant jobs in the same details as the relevant ones

Keep your CV chronological in reverse order (start with the most recent job) and up to date.

Ensure you can account for any gaps in your experience. 

Don’t describe relevant jobs first, then other, then career breaks, etc. – it creates a mess and makes your professional path difficult to track.

Don't lie about the dates.

7.  Achievements are important - include them below description of duties Don’t include all of your achievements – some may not be relevant for the role
8.  Check CV for errors – Word has this option – no excuses! Don’t send your CV without reading and editing it – first thought may be the best but it still needs a polish
9.  You may put your photo on CV – it has to be professional/passport one Don’t put a photo from parties, trips, with your friends or selfies. And believe me one standard portrait photo is enough.